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is a 17 month old Red Tick Coon Hound Mix, who is
extremely active and loves to chase
squirrels, birds, and yes, even my 3 cats. She has managed to
test my patience during her first year with me. My sister could
hear the frustration in my voice and recommended Leah Spitzer.
She thought I should give obedience training a try as I
certainly had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I had
no idea that in just 6 short
weeks, Maggie would become a much better companion. She is
very energetic and extremely fast on her feet. Surprisingly so
as she was diagnosed with MLP - Medial Luxated Patella. I
advised Leah about this condition, and she knew exactly what it
was and made some changes in how I
could train Maggie and not injure her leg at all.
Needless to say, with the hour long classes and plenty of
homework, I have a much more manageable
friend, companion, dog. We still have some work to do as
she still loves to "play with the cats" that she lives with; but
now that I have the Bare Basics training experience, I can
continue to work towards living in a peaceful house with my
dearest 4 legged family. Thank you Leah for all that you have
done. Sincerely, Carol Lowry 8/07 |
wanted to thank Leah so very much for offering training.
Originally, I was hesitant because I didn't think my dog would
need training or the little training she did need, I figured I
could do it myself. Not So! I was referred by my vet and I
decided why not? So I decided to go through puppy class. Class
was great and you realize that the more you practice the better.
In a way you and the dog are getting trained. Since going
through Puppy Kindergarten and Bare Basics,
I have noticed a transition in my little
dog. My friends come over and expect to find this 3 lb
dog growling at them, nipping at there feet, jumping all over
the furniture, etc. They are all amazed at how well behaved she
is. She has to ask permission to come onto the couch, the little
things, I get the leash out for a walk and she's pretty much
sitting at the door waiting for me! Thank you so very much for a
well structure class. Megan Barnes &
Macy 6/07 |
you are considering training your dog with Leah, do it...she is
amazingly awesome! She literally saved our
dog’s life! We were first referred to Leah by our vet
when our dog, Bingo,
snapped at our daughter. When I got in touch with her, I
worried about his fate, but my children come first. We had
several private sessions and we were
able to find a solution. I was so relieved!!
Leah then recommended that I take him through an obedience
class. We enrolled in Bare Basics followed with Bare Basics II
and it made a huge difference! The classes really deepened our
bond. The classes were fun
and Bingo loved the extra attention!! The lessons never felt
like homework, just quality time with Bingo. He always got
very excited when it was time to get in the van and “go to
school’. Leah’s way is very exact,
precise and clear, and the dogs seem to “get it” very
quickly! What she tells you to do, works!! I thought our dog was
trained; he would sit, lie down, come when called (mostly),
shake hands and he was housebroken, but there was more to it.
Leah helped me take our good dog and turn
him into a great dog, and I am very grateful! Thanks to
Leah, we had another five years with him we might not have had.
I have learned that dogs make much better family members when
they are trained. We lost Bingo to illness very abruptly this
past December; We were all devastated! At the end of March we
acquired a golden retriever puppy and I can’t wait to start
Puppy Kindergarten!.! Little Cooper doesn’t know it yet, but .we
are going on to Bare Basics I and II. Linda Scott 4/07 |
attended all 3 of the classes that Leah offers from the time she
was 3 mos. until she was 8 mos. old. I believe we have
taken advantage of most every service Leah offers including the
board and trains and
private lessons. I have to say that I
didn’t realize how much a puppy was able to learn at such a
young age and I learned right along with her! The momentum we
gained from Puppy Kindergarten propelled us directly into Bare
Basics and then directly into Bare Basics 2. A few of us
"die-hards" have talked Leah into creating a new class, so we
(and our dogs) can continue to learn.
My advice: Start
training your dog when it is as young as 3 months! You will be
amazed at how quickly they can learn (as long as you do your
class homework. . .which is probably the most FUN homework you
will ever do!) -- Gina Murphy 4/07 |
we adopted our sweet puppy Bella,
we found ourselves in a challenging position. Leah came highly
recommended by our vet, Dr. Ray Caughman. We attended Leah's
Puppy Kindergarten, and followed up with the Bare Basics class.
As newcomers to formal dog training, it was amazing to see what
can be accomplished with the superior knowledge and
experience that Leah has. Even in
a classroom environment, she is able to assess and analyze each
dog and owner, and address individual
needs when called for. Bella had special issues, and so
did I! Leah was persistent and patient in addressing both of
our needs, so that I could learn the correct way to train my
dog. Between classes, we needed to board Bella for a short
time, and took advantage of Leah's Board
and Train program. When we returned from our
trip, instead of finding a stressed out pet who had been left in
a kennel, we found a happy dog who
was better behaved than when we left her. As a result, an
already beloved dog is a happier, more balanced dog because we
know better how to interact with her. We have more work to do,
and look forward to Bare Basics II...classes
are really fun! I am witness to the fact that Leah can
get you and your dog over seemingly insurmountable humps.
Thanks, Leah ....Letha Mooney 02/07 |
Brown (The Unsinkable) - My husband John and I want to
express how impressed and satisfied
we are with your personal and group training.
Molly is our year old
terrier who thinks she is a Great Dane.
Because of her size we were cautious of her training and
contributed to her ‘Big Dawg’ attitude.
recommended your training
methods and during our first consultation, I quickly knew why. We
are first time pet-parents and your approach
was to train us as well as Molly. I was a harder
student to train than Molly!!
Thank you for your experience, patience and
encouragement. Molly
has turned out to be the perfect first time dog for us and that
is because of your help!! J. John
& Mercy St. James 10/06
I had to share
Rufus' 6 month visit to the vet last Friday.
Before (we came to you), he would sit in my lap and shiver
and tremble. He would have ears back, tail tucked and eyes
wide when they examined him. Friday he jumped in my lap. He
ended up walking around the room sniffing and listening to
everything going on around him. When the vet and the assistant
came in I put Rufus on the table (which he didn't care for because
its small and high and slippery). He let the assistant hold him, I
stood at his head, and he was fine while the
vet examined him. He even let the vet give him a
treat when it was over. When Rufus got down onto the floor we even
got a tail wag. I'm so happy
with all the changes in Rufus. I have noticed so many
positive changes in Rufus but this is major!! Thank you so much
for all your helpful hints and things to work on with him! You
have made life much easier in the Reilly household! Sincerely,
Daphne Reilly Oct '06
- Thank you, Leah, for all your help
with Maggie! Having two young kids and grandparents that like
polite dogs when they visit, we knew our young, energetic
puppy would need some help! So we started Maggie a year ago
with your puppy kindergarten and
followed through with Bare Basics I and II. We have been
delighted at the techniques you have taught us to help her
progress! I was happy to see that you offered "Board and Trains,"
too, so I thought it might just give her the extra edge she
needed while we were on vacation to overcome some minor
behavioral issues that I just couldn't seem to get done.
Boy did we see a difference on several commands after a week!
Not only did she have
someone to play with while we were away, but she also
is much
more responsive to commands. Thanks for all your hard work
with Maggie! Marybeth Wydock
(June 2006)
- My
golden, Franklin and I first attended your school back in June of
2004. I attended puppy kindergarten through Bare Basic II. I
wanted to just send you an email to say thank you. I was sitting
down the other morning drinking a cup of coffee and you came to
mind. Franklin is now on two vitamins once a day and
ear drops for allergies twice a day.
One of the vitamins he has to swallow and he never
gives me
any trouble taking it. Then I tell him to go lay down time
for ear drops. (because of sit, down, and flat I am able to
do this all though I don't have to say this anymore he knows the
routine). Then it's time to flip over to the other side. I tell
him to switch and he does. Franklin is so good with my four
month old, Kylie. We have taught him not to go into the
If the door bell rings he barks (the only time that he will bark)
and runs to look for her. I'm teaching him only to lick her toes.
He is doing well with this every once in awhile he has a slip up
but for the most part he is catching on. He will not walk on her
blankets he walks around them. He may pick up our socks if we
leave them on the floor but he will not pick up one of my
daughters toys.
believe that your classes helped Franklin turn out like
this. He may not be a show dog but he is a great member of
family. The staff at the veterinary office just love him!! They
always brag at how loving and well behaved he is. He falls asleep
when they're trimming his nails! I just wanted to say thank
you. I know a lot of a dog's up bringing has to do with the
owners. Taking your class and seeing how serious you are about
what you do and see you interact with your own dogs made me want to
go from puppy kindergarten to Bare Basic I and so forth.... You helped guide me
to have one of the most loving and
well behaved golden retrievers. Thank you again---Christine
West July '06
Leah, I took
my Rhodesian Ridgeback, through your puppy and (Bare Basics)
classes a few years ago. I am so glad I took these classes and
feel strongly that even seasoned people could use them. I
walk Cooper and his sister (with one hand) and rarely have any
pulling. If I see another dog, cat, squirrel before they do,
they are put in the sit position until whatever it is
passes. I am forever recommending you to all who
compliment me on Cooper's manners.
On a side note, my
neighbor was watching Cooper and his half sister while I was out
of town. She lives across the street and heard him crying
after she had tended to them. When she went back over to my
house to see what was wrong, it seems as though the wind had blown
my front door open and Cooper was sitting there waiting for the
command to release him (free dog). I thought you might like
to hear a success story. thank you again.,
Carole Whiteside June '06
we got Buster, everyone told us that he was going to be BIG
(our vet predicted 50 to 75 lbs) so I decided that I’d better
get him some obedience training. I asked my vet for
recommendations, and he immediately said, “Leah Spitzer”.
precious Buster was a HORROR in his first puppy class! He
was so excited to see the other puppies, and he wanted so badly to
play with them, that he whined and pulled on his leash, for the
first part of the hour. Then Leah taught me the “Settle”
technique. By the end of the hour, Buster was (mostly)
settled, with my foot firmly on his leash, keeping him in one
spot. It took a week of working on “settle” a home, and
Buster finally “got it”. Buster learned (his lessons) quickly
and I really enjoyed teaching him his new activities each week.
He could barely wait to get out of the car each week when he
recognized that we were at “doggie school”. Buster
recently graduated from Bare Basics 1, and it is remarkable what a
changed dog he is. He now sits quietly in class, follows
directions well, and learns more and more each week. Now
that he’s topped 50 lbs, I am especially glad that I didn’t
let him become an out of control dog. Buster and I are
looking forward to taking Bare Basics 2. Diane DaPonte 6/06
would love to thank you, Leah, for helping Bowie become a part of
our family. We got Bowie when my twin boys were 2 and a
half. We had to keep Bowie separate from them much of the
day because he would get a little too crazy. After going through
Puppy Kindergarten and Bare Basics, he is able to play with
the boys and stay around the family as much as he wants. The
commands that he learned have stuck with him and we all use them
whenever needed.
Thanks for all the hard work and
caring that you put into your classes! April Coston and
Bowie 2/28/06
have had dogs in my family all my life, but had never taken one to
a training class. Our
dogs, needless to say, ran the household. When we got
Cricket, she
was approximately 2 years old, a runaway, living in a
foster home. Our children at the time were 5 and 8 and this was
their first dog experience. Cricket, while a sweet dog in general,
took to
growling at the kids
sometimes, going to the bathroom in
out of the way rooms, not coming when called, and on walks would
pull the leash. My friend had also just gotten a dog and
was having some of the same problems. She had heard about Leah and
Canine Learning Center and asked if I wanted to sign up and I did.
It was the best experience. I learned for the first time
that it was a two way street in that I needed to learn as
much about Cricket as she needed to learn from me. The
Bare Basics class we took changed Cricket dramatically.
By the end
of the six weeks, she no longer was doing any of the behaviors
that we didn't like and was beginning to be
everything we had
hoped she would be. We have just acquired a terrier mix puppy and
I am signing us up for the Kindergarten Puppy class. Thanks Leah
and Canine Learning Center!
Jeannie Briggs 2/4/06
- Simon,
Rosco, and I wanted to send a special THANKS to Leah Spitzer and
Canine Learning Center for everything they have taught us.
Rosco was just over 4 months old when classes started, we enrolled
him into the Kindergarten Puppy Class. I have raised several
puppies in my life, but this was my first time I took a structured
training program, and it was worth every moment of it. This short
six week program was packed full of valuable and practical
would definitely recommend Leah’s training classes to any dog
owner. Because we were so pleased with Rosco’s change in his
behaviors, we decided to sign up for the Bare Basics I class. We
truly think the puppy training classes has help Rosco become a
better puppy and made us better dog owners.
Priscilla, & Rosco (Smith) 7/05
is now: Ch. Melkev's Designed with Mojo. Mojo won 3 Majors and
finished his championship by the end of summer. Your puppy and
obedience training gave him the foundation to make it all
possible. Best of all, Mojo is a joy to be around. I recommend
your classes to everyone who gets a puppy. I thought that you
might enjoy seeing the results of all of your help.
Thank you again, Steven C.McCrae
- Good
afternoon! I just wanted to take a minute and thank
you for what you did for my dog and me two years ago. I
brought Milly to you shortly after I got her. When I tried
to return Milly to animal control because of her aggression
problems, they were going to put her to sleep. Needless to say, I
walked out of there still owning an aggressive dog. We did a
few sessions with you as well as a class. I cannot tell you
how different Milly is today. She has become such a sweet,
happy dog! She bounces when walking and can't stop wagging
her tail when talked to. Milly still likes to take my shoes
and curl up with them, but she happily gives them back now instead
of guarding and growling! Thank you so much for
helping Milly!!!
Have a wonderful holiday season, Christa
Head 12/05 (Milly's on the Right)
(a female Boston Terrier) is our first "family" dog,
and we wanted to make sure that her integration into our
household would be as smooth as possible. We have 5
and 6 year old boys who we also wanted to enjoy their new family
member. We knew that a well behaved dog would be a happier
dog, and that a happier dog would mean a happier family!
We started Leah's Kindergarten Puppy Training class
when Alex was 5 months old, and we never missed a week.
Every week was full of invaluable information, and Alex really
the time spent with the other dogs and with Leah.
Leah (in our house, known as the "dog whisperer")
amazingly seemed to bond quickly with every puppy in the
class, regardless of the size or breed of the dog. She
could get Alex to pay attention and perform tasks (sit, down,
stand, come, and many others) in a way that looked effortless.
She was a patient and kind teacher for both Alex and me.
We enjoyed the puppy class so much that we signed up for Leah's
"Bare Basics" class. Again, we plan not to
miss a single class for fear of missing out on any of
Leah's expert advice. the
Horton family (Heather, Kevin, Luke, Spencer and Alex), 7/05
This has truly
been a learning experience for Tina Maria and myself. We thank you
for your
guidance and support through Puppy Kindergarten and Bare Basics.
We look forward to continuing our education with your help.
Tina Maria and
Nina Wilbanks, 7/05
Training for
our labradoodle,
April, has proven to be incredibly
beneficial. We cannot praise Leah Spitzer enough. She has shown us
what is possible and with time and a little work April can become
a well-behaved family member. Our thanks to Leah.
Deborah Meeks and Paul Lengsavath 7/05
Our family received
Lucky from a
friend about a year and a half ago. Although, Lucky seemed
happy to be with us, she started nipping at my two boys
(ages 9
and 6 at the time), refusing to come, running away and some
urinating in the house. Things were quickly getting out of
control with Lucky. As the primary caregiver for the dog,
I was at a loss. I had never owned a dog so I was
pitifully unprepared to deal with Lucky's behavior problems.
A friend recommended Canine Learning Center and Leah Spitzer.
I took Lucky to see Leah and came away from the first private
lesson feeling so much confidence in Lucky's ability to
assimilate into our family. Leah was wonderful pointing
out how we, as a family, needed to make a commitment to Lucky's
training. Lucky went on to graduate from Basic Manners and
Intermediate Manners. Leah was so helpful and supportive
through the whole process. I truly believe in her
commitment to help families incorporate their canine friends
into their homes in positive and loving ways. Lucky has
been such a blessing to us! I am so thankful to Leah and
Canine Learning Center for being there to teach us about our dog
and to teach our dog about us!
Donna Broom 4/19/02
- I'm
back from the ASCA (dog) show in Knoxville this weekend. I just
wanted to send you a quick note to let you know how the girls
did!! If I didn't have the Conformation bug before . . . . I am
afraid I do now!!!! (Callie took Reserve Winners Bitch both days!)
Not bad for her first time in the ring
with me. On Saturday, I noticed Callie in a perfect Down Stay,
stretched out like a Sphinx with a sparkle in her eye, and a huge
grin on her face. I whispered "Get up from there!" She
did and went straight into her "Take a Bow". I got so
tickled at her that I forgot to be nervous. What a charge it is to
see Miss Callie having fun and doing what she was always meant to
do. Leah, I can't thank
you enough for all the help you've been to us. I can honestly say
that Callie couldn't have even been on site a year ago without
causing a ruckus. She was perfectly behaved the entire time. I was
soooooo proud of her. Everyone who knows the road she's been down
is very happy for us both. It is super to see her on the road to
reaching her full potential. We couldn't have done it without
you!!!!!!.....Kay Moore
- When
we adopted Bucky from the Humane Society of Hall County, he had
"0" self-control. Not only did he bite and jump on
everyone, he could not manage to even make eye contact or listen
to commands. Some people would say he was an aggressive, hostile
dog. Since he was a Rottweiller - Lab mix, this was particularly
disturbing and could have eventually proved dangerous. Unfortunately,
we had been instructed by another trainer to use negative
techniques such as an "Alpha - Roll" and negative
"staring" eye contact. When these methods were tried
with Bucky, he only became more aggressive and uncontrollable. Then a
friend told us about Leah and her method of positive instruction
and we were hopeful. Leah assisted us in learning methods in which
we could relate to Bucky as his leaders. Bucky learned that we
were people he could trust to take care of him and guide him into
that much needed self-control. It was not always easy, and we took
our time, learning at our own pace. Bucky has successfully
completed Puppy Kindergarten, Bare Basics I, and Bare Basics II.
There is no doubt that he is a much happier, more secure dog, and
that we are a much happier family as a result. Bucky will be a
year old in October and we are looking forward to the years of joy
we know he will bring to our lives. Even though it sounds like a
cliché, I can honestly say that we would never have made it to
this point if it had not been for Leah Spitzer’s Canine Learning
Center. Thank you so much. Richard,
Phoebe, and Bucky 10/03 Update 12/05
Richard reports that Bucky is still doing great!
you for all you have done - I am very grateful that you have come
into my families' lives. I feel certain we would have had to
return Lucy, our Boxer/Boston Terrier to the shelter had we not
gone through your program. After my daughter adopted Lucy from a
shelter we discovered her behavior was unmanageable. She jumped
people incessantly, she nipped at our hands when we pet her, she
ran inside the house constantly, she chewed on shoes and furniture
and barked for no apparent reason. My daughter and I were both
frustrated and ready to take her back to the shelter. As a last
resort, I agreed to take Lucy from my daughter's home and into my
home for a six-week period while she attended the Bare Basics
class at The Canine Learning Center, Inc.. In my heart I didn't
have confidence that the classes would help, but I thought I would
feel less guilty when I returned Lucy to the shelter.
am happy to say that I couldn't be more wrong!! Six weeks later to
the day, I am writing this with a big smile. Lucy is lying on the
floor next to me, curled up in a ball, resting quietly. Lucy
and I have just graduated from
your program and if I didn't know better I would swear I've come
home with a different dog. She no longer leaps and darts from one
couch to the other, she is so much more obedient and overall
appears to be a happier dog - she is a joy to be around!
in-laws came to town last week and had not seen her for a couple
of months, they were amazed at how differently she behaves.
Initially, my husband was frustrated with her and the idea of
keeping her was completely out of the question. Midway through
your program my husband changed his mind and we have now decided
to keep her permanently. You have taught me how to be a better pet
owner and have given Lucy a good home to live in!
Thank you Leah for your dedication and
hard work. You have changed our lives and Lucy's life for the
better! .....................Nancy Atkinson (6/23/03)

wanted to say thanks for all the help with Valkyrie. She is
a much better trained friend and pet for the training at Canine
Learning Center. Your training helped me to better
understand my dog and to address issues unique to her breed.
Her strong will and potential have posed challenges and
enjoyment. Your experience has been much appreciated and
valuable. Thank you for imparting your wisdom and for
sharing with us resources for an ongoing relationship with
Kyrie. I would highly recommend your training classes to
anyone who has a dog. Regards,
Ned Gilchrist 12/21/02
Thank you so much
for all that you have done for
Bella & Meg.
Mark & Melissa
you for all your help. I never knew how much classes
could help. Andy, Desiree and
Hank Nash.. 2004
you so much for transforming Barkley
from a terrified puppy to a
more self-confident, friendly dog. When we first brought
Barkley to you, we admit that we were skeptical. We did not
believe that it would be possible to bring her as far as she's
come. At the time we thought, "If we can get her 50%
better, we'll consider this a success." She went well beyond
that. Your techniques have brought Barkley as close
to "normal" as anyone could have ever imagined.
Barkley, who used to cower when strangers came by now actually
walks up to them, sniffs and even nuzzles their hands. She's
even improved around other dogs, on occasion inviting them to
play. With your help, we have a much happier, safer home -
for both people and animals. Again, thank you. Jennifer
Wewers and Mary Ellen Waiting 3/13/02
Teacher Leah,
Good Afternoon. I
wanted to thank you in writing for the six weeks of foundation
(puppy class) that you laid for myself for training Rio--especially in light of your medical condition. I greatly
admire your drive, dedication and patience in teaching owners of
dogs for the ultimate well-being of the dog to strengthen the
healthy bond between human and dog. I look forward to your next
session of classes!
Yumi, Jason and Rio Smith 3/05
went through his first 9 weeks of puppyhood essentially without
human contact. Because of this, he was both afraid and aggressive
with people. But Leah showed me how to build his trust. Leah
had patience, and without her help, we would not be the happy
family we are today. Romulus has really warmed up to
me and also to visitors and is behaving very well. He is now
playing with a Yorkshire Terrier as his friend. Hard to believe,
huh? I recommend Leah to everyone I know
who has a dog - because she gets results! Susan Cobb
I just wanted to
say thank you for all that you did for Izzabelle. We
learned so much from your class and I really enjoyed
going. Your dedication and care for the dogs in
the class is truly remarkable. I appreciate all that you have taught us and
Thomas and will continue to work with her at home. Izzabelle sends her
Kristi Rosenthal
- Thank
you for teaching me how to be a good girl so I didn't have to walk
"The Green Mile". Molly Morgan 6/02 (owner Phil
Update 3/05 : It
is hard to believe that only a couple or so years ago Molly tried
to bite you when we decided to try and put a prong collar on her.
She now loves almost everybody, is very social and really enjoys
competitive agility. We both are having fun but I
should have started this before reaching (and exceeding) senior
citizen status. She is patient with my mistakes.
- After
several recommendations by well-meaning rescue groups to consider
euthanizing Ollie because he was "unadoptable", I was
referred to you. ....I will never forget the first night we
came to the Canine Learning Center. Ollie was showing his
usual out-of-control behavior by pulling me all over the room and being
unable to sit still - .just a ball of constant motion! ...He
has gone from not being able to sit still longer than five
seconds to doing sit and down stays consistently for several
minutes. He now listens and obeys voice commands and I no
longer need the Gentle Leader for walks in the neighborhood.
Thanks to your help, my whole family quickly changed their
opinions of him and were amazed by how well-behaved and calm he
has become. Thank you so much for helping us break through
the layers of anxiety, hyperactivity, nervousness, aggression,
disobedience and obsessiveness that we now see as a sweet,
endearing, loyal, lovable, goofy, happy, energetic and enjoyable
companion. We cannot thank you enough!
Stephanie Smith & Ollie 9/00
can't tell you how much Vrooka & I enjoyed your class.
Within minutes of meeting my future dog I saw tremendous potential
& also potential for problems. Although I have worked with
dogs for many years, I knew I had a lot to learn. You & your class have given me much insight into my dog
& myself. I have learned the answer to many of the
"why" & "how" dog owners ask themselves
every day. You have helped me address Vrooka's problem
issues & as a result she is turning into the best companion I
could ever hope for.
Wilhoit & Vrooka 6/01
- Both
Michael and I wanted to express how impressed and satisfied we are
with your personal and group training. As you know, Macy,
our 2 year old Yorkshire Terrier, had not been well socialized and
had some significant fear and aggression issues. ...Macy's
breeder had
heard of your methods and success and recommended that we give you
a try. We were immediately drawn in by your clear
understanding of behaviors and your patience in explaining how
best to deal with them. You did not promise a 30 minute quick fix
but outlined for us what has been a most effective approach to
modifying Macy's behavior. Your excellent assessment skills coupled
with your patient and humane methods have resulted in a dramatic
change in Macy's behavior. She has developed more confidence
in dealing with new people and animals.... You are truly an
outstanding and remarkable professional in your field.
Sincerely, John M. Ford, MD, MBA
for the GREAT experience! Bella is my third dog, but this
training was different than I'd ever been through. I feel
closer to her than I did to my last dog.
Owens & Bella 5/00
just want to let you know how much I appreciate everything you've
done for me and
Darla) over the past year. We've learned so
much - especially me! I especially like how you treat each
dog individually, taking into consideration their personalities and specific
needs. Its really been good for us.
McCausland & Jackson 3/00

(Mud's on the right, Ladybird is on the left)
and Ladybird - Since
you know Mud's personality, I think that you will appreciate my
heartwarming story about her sensitivity to human emotion and the
way that she cares for her caretakers. My
daughter's potential sister-in-law became seriously ill while
visiting Atlanta and was in the hospital. This potential
sister-in-law was accompanied by her 17 year-old daughter who has
cerebral palsy and slight autism. The daughter, Jessica, is always
happy, but has the developmental maturity of a 10 to 12 year old.
Jessica had to accompany them to the hospital. After observing the
EMT's work on her mother, she was upset. Mud took care of her
apprehensions. She began to cuddle with Jessica and played
directly into the characteristics of autism. As Jessica went to
different rooms or seats within a room, she would command,
"Mud, Come!" which Mud did. She was even more delighted
that Mud would obey her with "Sit, Down Stay, Shake",
etc. She was not at all worried about her mother
anymore. She was
just delighted with Mud. Mud got quite the workout! One of Mud's
jobs is obviously to keep people happy. Now that she is 2 1/2 and
she is calmer, I can see the potential for Ladybird to be the same
Benson. 9/04 |
wanted to write and let you know how much our obedience training
with you has meant to me, Scooter (pictured) and
Cricket (and the rest of
our family as well). As you know, when I signed up for
your classes with Scooter over 2 years ago, I actually believed
that there was some little magic trick (or word) that would give
me an obedient dog. To be honest, I was not prepared for the
hard work and dedication it took. When I realized there was
no magic, I really was not sure we would make it through
puppy training, much less advanced home manners. My husband
said both Scooter and I were ADD! I certainly, at the very
least, was not a natural at dog training. Your abilities,
knowledge and communication skills persuaded me to practice,
practice, practice and to expect 100% effort and attention from
Scooter (and later from Cricket). Attending your classes was
better than magic. I know that I could never have attained
the relationship I now have with my dogs without dedicated
obedience training. And, there was an unexpected reward, I
have learned a lot about myself in the process! I wish you great
success in your business. The services you provide can help
build a life long relationship between dogs and their owners, as
well as assist owners in leading their dogs to reach their full
potential. Thank you. Madge Orr 12/01
best thing we have ever done for
was obedience
training. Thank you, Leah for helping us to turn this
excitable rescue dog into a beloved companion
for our
Middletons 12/01
you so much for what you've done for Droopy & Scooter &
me. I would never have developed the relationship I have
with each of them without you. I know that both of my dogs
are much happier than they ever would've been without your
Because of you we have many happy & well-behaved years to look
forward to.
God Bless! Kristie,
Droopy & Scooter Riddle 12/99
all enjoyed the classes and are so happy we enrolled. I can't
imagine living with Gunny without your guidance and we are very
grateful for your expertise. Thanks again, Cheryl and Ken Cory
and Gunny 1/29/03 |
and I wanted to thank you for all your hard work during the
training of both Buzz & Simba!
I am so glad that I took
the opportunity to train Simba. I have learned so much from
you and him and I cherish the relationship I have with him! Thanks
again for all your hardwork and dedication! You know we'll
be back if we ever get another dog, but 2's enough for now!
Love, Tracy and Dan Smith 12/21/02
is on the right, Buttercup is on the left.
Madison &
Buttercup - On
4/99 Shelley wrote: My husband and I had set up our
picnic near a large sand pit....home to an abandoned rotty puppy.
This puppy was extremely hungry (she ate my whole sub sandwich)
and thirsty. When it came time to leave, the puppy followed
us to our car.... It was at the vet that I had to face a difficult
decision. Madison had shown strong signs of aggression. My vet advised that she could turn this
aggression on my other two dogs, or even me. I was given the
option of putting her down or taking a chance...Terrified...I
sought the advise of the dog trainer I had utilized for my black
lab. Leah Spitzer, I had observed, had a strong sense of
commitment to dogs and if she felt Madison could be turned around,
I was willing to try....There are all kinds of thoughts on the
best way to train a dog...but Leah believes in the salvation of
their souls....Madison graduated from Basic and Advanced Home
manners. She has not demonstrated her aggressive behavior in
over eight months....Her one year anniversary is coming up in
July. I, for one, am delighted. Shelley McMahon **Update
12/04 - Madison is still doing well and Buttercup, the youngest,
is now a graduate as well!